Sunday, September 16, 2012

DIY Kitty Sweatshirt

DIY Kitty Sweatshirt Inspiration

Hello! Today I have the most adorable DIY for you- a DIY Kitty Sweatshirt. I can't wait to wear this DIY! It is great for fall- the perfect combination of cozy yet stylish. Typically, I shy away from sweatshirts but I don't think that I will be able to resist this sweatshirt!


Level of difficulty: Easy- medium. If you can hand sew then you are able to complete this DIY! This DIY isn't difficult but it is very tedious and time consuming.

Supplies: Three different colors of embroidery thread, a needle, pencil, scissors and a basic Hanes sweatshirt. 

Cost: This DIY only cost me time. I used an old sweatshirt I had lying around and leftover embroidery thread from a different DIY so this DIY cost me no money. If you don't have the supplies, you can purchase this type of sweatshirt for around $5-$10 at Walmart or Target. THIS is a good one to use and it only costs $6. You can buy the embroidery thread at any local craft store for between $1-$4.

1. Gather supplies.
2. Draw the outline of the eyes, nose and whiskers in pencil on the sweatshirt. 
3. Cut out the embroidery thread for the nose of the cat. If you are thinking of colors to use, I would suggest pink. Although you can't see it very well in the photo, I used light pink and really like how it turned out. Then thread the needle. Next, knot the end of the thread. After that, sew along the outline in pencil and then sew inside the outline until you have filled it in entirely. 
4. Repeat step 3 for the whiskers and eyes. I would advise using black or perhaps white (if you are using a darker colored sweatshirt) for the whiskers. As for the eyes, I think that green or blue look the best.
5. Voila! You are done and now have an adorable, new, cozy addition to your wardrobe.

If any of that doesn't make sense, please feel free to email me or leave a comment with your question! Also, if you try this DIY out and post a photo of yourself wearing it on your blog, I would absolutely LOVE to see it :)


  1. that is sooo adorable!! great post, thanks alot for sharing <3

    Your blog is so impressive and very inspirational.
    I really enjoy reading your posts, they make me smile =)

    Let me know if you want us to follow each other,
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    hope you have a fab day hun! ~ XO
    Chriissydollxo's Blog

  2. Really cute, definitely want to make over my hanes sweatshirts with kitty designs.


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