Hi! You all are in luck because I have a giveaway for you. As you may know, I am making the switch from selling vintage to shorts in my etsy shop. I would like to offer one fabulous reader a pair of free shorts from my shop! You can choose from all of the shorts! Worrying that you won't be able to find a pair that fits or that you like? Not a problem because I will be adding shorts weekly and you can wait until you find a pair you like. I am going to try to stock all sizes and all (trendy) styles. Sounds pretty good, huh?

Rules: You must complete the mandatory entry or none of your other entries will count. U.S. citizens only (Sorry!) Leave an email or blog address so that I can get in touch with you if you win on at least one of your comments. Leave a separate comment for every entry.
Mandatory entry: follow my blog with google/ gfc (1 entry)
Optional entries:
Follow my blog with
tumblr (1 entry)
Heart my
etsy shop (1 entry)
Buy something from my etsy shop (10 entries)
Follow me on
chictopia ( 2 entries)
"Like" me on
facebook (3 entries)
Post about this giveaway on your blog ( 2 entries)
Link up to Fabulous Friday (1 entry)
Giveaway winner will be announced March 1st so you have the whole month of February to enter.
***I WILL check to make sure the winner has done what she says that she has done. So don't be sneaky! Thanks:D