Thursday, April 28, 2011

DIY: Glamorous Headband

Materials: Hot glue gun & glue

Wide black ribbon

Fake gems/ rhinestones


Cost: Very little, $5 or less

Time: Very little, 30 minutes maximum (It didn't take me that long)

Method: I gained inspiration but not directions from By the way is one of my favorite sites. The writer has such good, innovative ideas. You should definitely check it out! The reason I didn't follow the directions was because I'm not a huge fan of directions and the project was relatively simple. First I cut the ribbon the the length and width that I wanted it. Next I heated up the hot glue gun and glued the rhinestones onto the ribbon. Voila! Easy as pie. It will tie underneath my hair and can easily add a little glamour to a boring outfit. I love it and cannot wait to wear it!

Also, sorry for my lack of posts this week. I haven't taken many photos this week but I'm hoping to do a photo shoot this weekend. Also more DIYs are on the way. Comment below if you want more/ like DIY posts.