Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Oh La La

Hi! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. My presents were scrumptiously chic; my faux fur leopard print bag (worn above) is one of my more treasured presents. I also received this faux pearl and diamond watch that suits me just perfectly. Pearl and diamond combos? Swoon! Using some of my most adored Christmas gifts, I tried to create a luxe-boho chic look today. A glittery belt, pearls, lace shorts and a faux fur leopard print bag did the job wonderfully!

Top: Thrifted
Shorts: DIY
Tights: American Eagle
Watch: Gift
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: Forever 21
Earrings: Charming Charlie
Bag: Gift


  1. Pretty shorts and bag! Cute blog!!

  2. Great look, love the shorts!!


  3. love those lace shorts... chk ma blog

  4. Love the bag, love leopard print!

  5. Cute look, love your shorts and bag!!

  6. LOVE your bag, its so cutee!! This is an adorable look

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    مكافحة الحشرات
