Hi! Happy Labor Day! Sorry for the lack of posts, my power was out for half a week because of Hurricane Irene. Anyways, I have now had 3 sales in my etsy
shop- yay! And new items are being added weekly. Alright now on to my real reason for this post. I was wondering if you would like to see hair/beauty reviews on my blog. I am a novice to hair and makeup and all that and was wondering if you wanted my opinion on new products that I am testing out this year. Kind of like a newbie's guide to hair and makeup. Here are some products I bought over the summer that I will be trying out this fall. *Disclaimer: I bought all of these products, none were sent to me.* So what do you think? Do you want beauty/ hair reviews? Please let me know by leaving a comment or voting in the poll.

1. Biore deep cleansing pore strips
2. Garnier makeup wipes
3. Wet and Wild mascara
4. Wet and wild red lipstick
5. Aussie deep conditioner
6. Wet and wild liquid eyeliner
7. Skintimate shaving gel
Also, I now have a facebook fan page and would love it if you "liked" it! The link is in the sidebar.
One more thing- tomorrow is my first day of junior year! Expect to see what I am wearing very soon:)
Aussie is a good brand. Would love to hear how well the Biore strips work